Employee Onboarding Done Right

Hiring good employees is one of the most important things an entrepreneur does.

But without right onboarding even good employees leave.

Here is how to do it right.

1/ Give them an onboarding period of 30-90 days where they settle and absorb and get to know everything and everyone to do their job right.

2/ Give them a welcome packet. Include the following in it:

  • The welcome letter
  • Info for initial paperwork
  • Schedule for the first week
  • Org charts and team structure
  • Important passwords and log-in information
  • Company swag to create a sense of belonging
  • The mission statement and other info that’s not publicly available
  • Story of how the business came to be and where it is headed now

3/ Host an intro cum onboarding session. This can be led by an HR team member. Keep it simple and give them a simple path. If a lot of info needs to be shared, break this session into two parts.

4/ Introduce them to a team buddy who will guide them into the learning portal where all essential training is hosted. 

5/ This buddy also teaches them best practices to share how things are done. She also shares select cash studies to make them familiar with good work the company has done. This will make them feel proud of the company and also help them align with the company’s direction.

6/ Introduce them to key people in the company who they will be working with, and who they can reach out for help.

7/ Schedule an ice-breaking session where the whole company or their team introduce themselves to the new hire.

8/ 1:1 time with the founder and their manager. In case of a large company there can be welcome videos from the founder.

9/ Share 30-60-90 objectives and the key results that are expected from the new hire during this period and beyond.

10/ Give them something personalized to show the company values them.

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