How To Create an Impactful Elevator Pitch

A good elevator pitch sells without feeling salesy.

It is something you can use outside real-life conversations, job interviews, and startup pitches too.

You can put it on your website about page or speaker bio.

5-Step Elevator Pitch Framework

Create yours with this simple 5-Step Framework:

1/ Share the problem you solve for your customers
2/ Embed social proof
3/ Share about projects in works
4/ Share about projects shipped
5/ End with a Q to shift focus from you to them

Some more details to write yours.

  2. We’ve done it for ADD NUMBER of customers and helped them GET THESE RESULTS.
  3. TALK ABOUT SOMETHING THAT SHOWS WE ARE CUTTING EDGE because people want to associate with thriving businesses, people, and ecosystems.
  4. ADD ANOTHER LAYER OF CREDIBILITY – like a book you wrote, a course you built, a company you lead, etc., and a possible conversation starter.
  5. END WITH A QUESTION to shift focus from us to them and to understand who they are, their challenge, and how we can help.

When you are done writing yours try speaking it out loud. 

Do that 5-10 times. 

Change/remove the words and phrases that seem to be creating friction or don’t sound natural.

Repeat until it feels natural. 

Recording yourself and watching that recording also helps.

Enjoy creating and improving your elevator pitch.

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