Design Your Days to Design Your Life

How many times have you told yourself?

This year I will do it.

It will be different this time.

And, then the year and another year goes by and your dream remains a dream.

The only way to really live your dream and to create a life that you want is to design your days in a way that they set you up to live the life you want.

If fitness is your major goal and you start your days with lots of junk then chances are your goal will not remain a goal and nothing else.

But if you designed your day to invest 1 hour to move your body first things in the morning and schedule 3-4 hours a week to plan your meals and eat greens then you will move closer to your goal.

You won’t become a professional if you take it easy and spend all your working hours on working for others.

But if you designed your days in a way that you get to spend the first couple of hours on your creations, then in a year or two you’ll realize your dream.

The beauty is that you can approach this to anything in life. You just need to think about it to think and plan ahead.

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