I committed to building daily habits 8 years back and formed these habits.
- 7 months of daily tweets
- 34 months of zero caffeine
- 43 months of daily blogging
- 103 months of regular meditation
Sharing 4 things that helped me the most. ?
Not skipping a daily habit two days in a row.
Because if you do, it is easy to get derailed.
Starting small and keeping a daily minimum.
I started by meditating for 5 mins every morning.
Added 5 mins in the evening.
Once this habit was formed, I increased morning meditation to 30 mins.
Finding a tribe or doing it with them.
My sister was/is my accountability partner for most of these habits.
I keep her posted on my progress and struggles, and she mostly listens.
But when needed, she asks me to stay on track, and it works.
Giving myself visual cues.
For anything important, put your daily action plan out of your head and put it in a place where you can see it every day.
Like a whiteboard and strike off every time you do it.
Hope it helps you with habit building.