The Evolution of a Creator

  1. Decide to create
  2. Create once or twice, take a break
  3. See someone else create and experience success. You start again
  4. Be more committed this time and continue for 2-3 weeks, and then stop
  5. You want to get back again. Someone suggests you engage with and comment on other people’s creation
  6. Start engaging and comment on what others are creating
  7. Get back your creation mojo
  8. Participate in a 30-day creation channeling
  9. Continue beyond 30 days
  10. Build a habit of creation
  11. Continue, improve, chase perfection
  12. Realize there is nothing like perfect, and it’s a continuous journey of growth and exploration
  13. Find a process, follow it and become more efficient
  14. Through it, create a community around your creation
  15. They ask you questions, and you answer 
  16. Some of them offer to pay you
  17. You say yes
  18. More people ask you, and you work with more people 1-on-1
  19. Decide you have no time to create 
  20. You decide to teach/help 1-to-many through a course
  21. You put effort into launching a course. It’s harder than you think
  22. But you are now making the same money by spending 50 hours for which you were earlier spending 120 hours
  23. You find time to create again
  24. Your creations get more engagement now, somehow
  25. You are happy
  26. And now you are also what I call a profitable creator
  27. You share your journey, lessons, and growth path to motivate and help others
  28. The virtuous cycle of growth and evolution continues
  29. You find more challenges and seek help from those who have been there and done that
  30. You get unstuck and keep growing again
  31. The journey continues

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