How Do I Choose My Book Coaching Clients?

I am selective about who I work with.

This is because of two reasons.


I value my time because time is the only thing we have got to live our potential and our lives.


Because writing a book is a labor of love. It takes a long time, and usually more effort than you can imagine before you start. At least writing a good book does. 

I say this as someone who completed the first draft of a 400 pages book in one month.

And, this effort is at both ends.

My Criteria to Identify the Right Client

Number one criteria I have for choosing my book clients is that they have a compelling reason to do it. 

Why is it important?

Because without it I can’t help them. With no real purpose behind writing their book they’ll drop off in the middle when going will get tough.

I agree, some of these situations can be very real. In that case I’ll be the first person to ask my client to stop writing and come back to it later. Because there are a few things even more important than writing a book. 

Infact, I did this with one of my clients because for her stabilizing and growing her business was more important at that time.

But that’s an exception and you should avoid losing the momentum if you can.

Second criteria, I work with people who have something worthwhile to say.  

It does not have to do with how old or young they are. It is not even about wisdom or experience.

You can be young and have a lot of say. And very experienced and still not be able to say much. 

Not having anything to say, makes writing a book very difficult. Either you’ll hate the process or take years to complete it, even when you apply sheer force of will. And even then you might not write a good book.

So, before I take you on I want to see that you have written consistently or on and off in the past couple of years or have put out thoughts several times in the form of video or audio.

If you don’t have that then I’ll ask you to do that and then come back.

Because it makes it easy for both of us.

And, when I say yes, I am 100% on board. So, I want the same from the client.

Do you fit the above criteria and want to write a book?

Then you are in the right place. Write to me to discuss your book.


  1. Pingback: Three Steps to Writing a Book: A Tried and Tested Approach to Start and Finish Your Book - Mohit

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