It is the investment you make in yourself.
Don’t wait for when you’ll have more money.
Start today.
Whatever you make today or this week or this month, set aside a reasonable percentage out of that (0.5 – 15%) in your growth.
Lead with an investment that can give you short-term returns.
So if you make $2000 and choose to invest 5% a month ($100) in your own growth, then pick something that can make you $500.
You can use this money to build a side project, or an online asset or to learn a new skill that makes you more valuable in the market.
Don’t think $100 can take you far?
Think again. A LinkedIn learning subscription at $19/month, opens up a world of opportunities and possibilities for you. Learn and apply. If you are smart you can use the first month’s free subscription offer to get started.
For $11 a year you can get a domain and for $19 a year you can build a neat landing page on Carrd. Use this to sell a service or a knowledge-based product.
Now your next month’s self-growth investment budget is $125. If you do it right in 9-10 months you’ll increase this budget to $500-1500 per month. If you can turn a $100 investment in yourself into a $500 opportunity, imagine what you can do with $1000 a month.
Imagine what kind of return over a 3-10 year horizon you would get. It will be massive.
You just need to get started.