This is my 301st blog post in a row, on this blog.
The first one in this streak was on Jan 1st, 2019. I have written and published one new post every day since.
I did not follow any formula. I wanted to do it for a long time and committed to doing it late last year. Since then I used the force of will, some planning and a dash of discipline to do it continuously. More than that I believed in the process of writing and publishing regularly to get better at it. Not sure if I became a better writer, but I became a better shipper of edited words.
For my writing, I did not follow any theme. I was scratching my own itch most of the time. Often I wrote to record solutions to my challenges and chose to publish it, thinking that a reader may find it useful. There were times when I published my suggestions or advice for others.
There were days when I doubted myself, but continued because I did not want to break the promise that I made with myself. I had to counter my own demons of procrastination, and laziness.
It was a struggle at times but there were also times when I enjoyed the process and ended up writing something long and useful.
Having a doc full of writing ideas helped in not needing to start from a blank screen, but I’ll prefer to build a ready-to-publish draft of posts which I have not been very successful at, so far. Hope this changes in the future.
Did you try something consistently this year? If yes, how did it go for you?