Archive for the year 2022

10 Reasons to Charge Your Clients More

This is for agency founders and those in service-based businesses. When you charge your clients, it helps you in the following ways: 1/ Clients who pay more value your expertise and trust you to do what they hired you for.…

Power of Timeboxed Challenges

Challenges help us realize what we are capable of. That’s why self-created time-boxed challenges are powerful. When done right, they can help us unleash the power within. To make them work for you, don’t just do one. I have done…

How to Stand Out As A Creator

1/ Show up consistently. 2/ Giving the community a mix of quantity and quality. 3/ Share your journeys and lessons without holding back. 4/ Share uncommon advice different from what has been said a million times. 5/ Connect with your…

Thank You

Thank you…. To everyone who reads my blog. To everyone who reads my tweets. To everyone who bought my books. To everyone who reads my newsletter. To everyone who recommends my work. To everyone kind to me. To everyone who…

LinkedIn Growth Strategy and Tactics

Earlier today, I discussed LinkedIn growth with a dear client. This client is already pretty active on LinkedIn but wants to do better. I am sharing what I recommended for him, hoping you can use it too. This client publishes…

How To Help Those Behind You

People call themselves self-made. But there is rarely anyone who is truly self-made. There are always people who help, directly or indirectly, whether the person being helped realize it or not. So if you got help when you were moving…

Do Services Before Courses. Here Is Why

The courses are all the rage. Because the successful creators who sell course on course creation imply that it is ‘easy’ revenue. You just have to create a course once and you can sell the same course to multiple customers.…