Archive for the year 2022

How To Go About Creating Content

1/ Short on ideas to create content? Document what you do. You’ll not only create content but also get ideas to get better. 2/ Can’t focus on creating content with so much going Keep a single content creation day. If…

How to Be a Champion

Champions are not invincible.  But they are graceful when they lose, take time to reflect, learn their lessons, and come back stronger to win again. What sets champions apart is their commitment to whatever they do. They are always striving…

Win Over Emotions to Win in Business

Emotions rule the world. People buy stuff when the seller appeals to their emotions. If the seller is good at selling, then appeal moves even those who don’t have money to buy and then use borrowed money (credit card) to…

Minimum Effort, Maximum Impact

There are some areas where we need to invest a lot of time and effort, Good if that area is the core of what you build your life around. For everything else, apply the Minimum Effort, Maximum Impact rule. Choose…

Living in a Permissionless World

We live in a world where you don’t need anyone’s permission to get started. You have complete freedom to do what you want and be who you want to be. This is great but also a scary situation to be…

What is Publishing?

I have written two well-received books.  For one of these, I even received an order bigger than most books sell in their lifetime, even before I wrote the book. For this book, which was my second, I even started a…