Archive for the month April 2021

Stop Endless Work

There is no end to the work you can do So you need to define where you’ll add a full stop. You may choose to work until your last day on earth. But then also, you can add a full…

How Course Correction Helps

Bigger the goal, the more it is needed. It matters in projects. It matters in relationships. In case of relationships what is the step 1 of course correction. It is accepting that you made a mistake and committing to not…

It Helps To Stay in Your Lane

When you get good at something, you’ll see tangential opportunities thrown at you. If you see opportunities come day, does not mean you should take them. It’s best to stay in your lane, and get over the temptation to diversify.…

How To Feel Better Instantly?

With so much chaos around we need to find ways to stay calm. Here are some things that work. Think of what is good in your life. Then express gratitude for it even when no one is listening.Pick something that…

Some Days Will Be Long

There will be days when things will go not as per the plan. When unexpected situations will emerge, When you’ll find a once in a lifetime opportunity. When you will yourself motivated and will want to go on. When you’ll…

No More Waiting for the Perfect Time

I waited for the perfect time. To start taking action on my plans. Searching for the perfect path, Never starting. I was naive. Not anymore. Because once I got started I found the path. It wasn’t perfect. But over time,…