Archive for the month January 2021

Future Is Fluid, Capitalize On Now

What is hot now, won’t be tomorrow. What is working, won’t work tomorrow. The only way to stay relevant is to continue changing and evolving. But changing on cue is no fun. Also, true freedom is being able to do…

How to Help Your Tribe

Bring them closer by facilitating a connection. Introduce them to each other. You can do it the easy way by posting an update on your social handles and by asking your community to introduce themselves and others to connect with…

Stages of Learning: How We Learn

We grow by learning. We learn even when we don’t try to do it. This is the first stage of learning, the subconscious learning.  In this, we absorb from behaviours, thoughts, and approach to doing stuff and our reaction to…

Make Your Own Luck

Everyone who is doing what you are doing was like you once or even worse.  They took the leap. Committed to doing what mattered Took action Experimented Failed,  Learned And stuck through And eventually became who you aspire to be.…

Do What You Love

Because whether you like what you do or not, it will take a large part of your life.  Even if that is 25% of the time you are awake it is 1/4th of your life. That’s is why it is…

Challenge for Today

Or whenever you read it. Start something that you always wanted to start. Or become someone you always wanted to be. How? You may ask. By calling yourself, who so ever you wanted to become, An author, a programmer, an…