Archive for the year 2020

Who to Take Advice From?

Take advice from those who have been there and done that. Someone whose advice has worked for others. Even better if their advice has worked for you. And only take advice from people whose life or whichever part you are…

Living Life in Time Blocks

We live our lives in moments. How we live during the minutes, hours and days define the life we’ll have. Even then, we don’t get to see major change happening in days. So, when we commit to a goal, we…

Effortless Achievement

For effortless or minimal effort in achieving anything significant pick a goal that you genuinely care about. And then you’ll figure out how to find the courage, discipline and systems to achieve that goal. Corollary to this is, what you…

Writing 101

1. Start with a shitty first draft. 2. Create an outline first. 2. Write non-stop until you finish days quota. 3. Don’t edit while writing. 4. Don’t skip editing because editing makes your shitty draft, good writing. 5. Use apps…

3 Things You Need, to Learn Well

#1 A good teacher who adapts his teaching style as per the learning style of the learner. She also has good command on what she is teaching. #2 Using what you are learning. Until you put your learning to practice,…

Do the Minimum

Figure out your basics needs and do the minimum required to take care of them. Leave rest of the time, without any commitments. And, use that time to explore, learn, connect and build. By having uncommitted time, you open yourself…

Good Writing

Good writing moves ideas from one head to the other. Good writing does not take. It gives…. clarity, happiness, satisfaction, sense of belonging and more. Good writing takes unrelated concepts and makes them related. Good writing makes for effortless reading.…

Grow Your Business by Retaining Clients

Everyone talks about winning new customers for growth. Almost no one talks about retaining existing customers as a means of growth. David Ogilvy famously did not onboard more than 1-2 clients in a year. His relentless focus was on servicing…

Don’t Fight Procrastination

Because when you stop fighting procrastination, you find what you really love doing. We often procrastinate when we haven’t found what gives us the kick. Something that gets our blood stirred. Something that makes us not want to stop. The…

What Is Holding You Back?

Not being able to focus for 2-3 hours. Not training your senses to do that. Eating more than you body needs, leading to lethargy, leading to lack of focus Not choosing one thing and giving it all your time, attention…