Archive for the year 2020

The Pursuit of Success Makes It Tough

Because success is not a target you hit it is an outcome of doing something bigger than yourself. So more than success, spend time finding something worthwhile that you care so much about that you can devote yourself to it,…

Emulate Before You Innovate

If you find yourself stuck. Learn from someone who has done it before you and is on the path that you like to walk on.  Then follow their advice to the T. You may not get it right the first…


You are not someone’s judgement. You are not your hardships. You are not your triumphs. You are not your past. You are not your future even. You are what you see

When you look at you in the mirror..


How to Develop a Reading Habit

A good book can change your life. You don’t have to read 50 books a year to get value. Non-readers can build a reading habit. Here is how. Start small. Three minutes a day is good.  A single sentence is…