Archive for the year 2020

Stuck With Boring Work? Do This.

Do you find yourself overworked, doing dull work non-stop with no end in sight? It is easy to lose yourself in such times, and forget your dreams and goals in such times. When you find yourself in such a situation,…

Follow an Idea With Momentum

I was advising someone on a new business opportunity. This person did his MBA in the US and now works in the industry. He has been at it for the past several years. He zeroed in on MBA consulting as…

Stimulus and Response

There is a space between these two. And, our freedom lies within that space.

If we learn to choose our response whenever we experience a stimulus or trigger we can find a state of serenity and equanimity.

That means no…

Writer Goals

Write to: Challenge your reader and expand their world view. Help them discover the force within them they didn’t even know it existed. Get them to meet a part of their mind they did not know. Help them articulate something…

The Biggest Success

The biggest success is to spend your life the way you want. To get that kind of success you do not need anything except courage. Courage to dream big, and courage to act big on those dreams. Once this is…