Don’t Ask for Help Before You’ve Started and Recorded Some Wins, However Small

Before securing some wins, before going from zero to one, others won’t help you. Not because they don’t want to, but because they have limited resources and they don’t want to risk their reputation.

To go from zero to one, you need courage, conviction, and a little bit of madness. Madness to believe that what you are working on, will work out.

Once you’ve won your internal struggle to get from zero to one, to find your first customer or followers, people are more likely to believe in your story.

By showing others that you have moved ahead on your own, you reduce perceived risk in helping you take from one to a hundred. This is important because no one wants to take all the risks to help you succeed. Why should they?

If you are an entrepreneur, your zero to one can be as basic as building an audience to help distribute your product or service. Do that and you’ll get bigger help and more easily.

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