Archive for the tag Growth

Next Time!

Next time when you; – Log on to Twitter or Facebook to add to or consume what your friends have been up to – Engage in mindless gossip – Waste time thinking about your goals, projects rather than doing something…

The Happiness Formula

I become very dissatisfied at times – with my surroundings, people, with myself, with what I have achieved, how I am spending my time. I think it is natural for somebody who is ambitious. But if dissatisfaction grows beyond certain…

5-minute thinking excercise

The idea is to be mindful of our actions and be able to make an impact on a daily basis. At the end of the day, keep aside 5 minutes and think; Did you wake up excited, looking forward to…

What to do after you exchange cards?

First step should be to record the information into a system that you trust and are comfortable using. It should be easy to access, review and update information. Record email, phone, website/blog (if there is one), a small note on…

It is ok!

1. If you did not have a great year — because there is another one coming which you can look forward to and during which you can work on finding success. 2. If you were not born with a silver

Power of 1

1 is a powerful number. For some it means position, others see it as something used for calculations. Mahatma Gandhi — is a great example of what ONE person can do. He made a significant difference to the future of…