How to Turn GOOD into GREAT

• Learn from failure • Focus on continuous improvement. • Set clear goals and develop a plan to achieve them. • Prioritize your time and energy. • Surround yourself with talented and supportive people. • Be open to new ideas…

Weak Ties Are The Best for Business

Most of us instinctively know that the people we know play a crucial role in our professional growth. However, when it comes to networking, many of us focus on building solid relationships with a few individuals rather than branching out…

Brevity Is a Superpower for Creators

People have shorter attention spans than ever before.  They don’t tolerate lengthy content unless it is exceptional. That’s why brevity has become a superpower for creators. Brevity is the art of saying what needs to be said in as few…

How To Become an Effective Writer

1/ Read widely and voraciously. 2/ Develop a routine for writing. 3/ Write daily, even if it’s just a few sentences. 4/ Use active voice instead of passive voice. 5/ Avoid wordiness and unnecessary jargon. 6/ Write in a way…

10 Ways to Speed Up Your Growth

1/ Spend 1 hour daily getting better at a chosen skill. Do it for 100 days and see how far you go. 2/ Surround yourself with people who inspire and challenge you to grow. If you can’t find such people,…

Don’t Envy Success. Create Your Own.

It’s easy to look at successful people and feel envious or intimidated.  We see their wealth, fame, and accomplishments and wonder how they got there.  However, it’s important to remember that everyone starts somewhere. No matter how successful someone is…

Move Fast, Grow Faster

Speed is an advantage for both creators and entrepreneurs. Move fast. Do more, make more mistakes, learn from them and do it better next time. Moving quickly allows you to iterate faster, which is the key to scaling your business. …