How To Spend the Year-End

How we end the year can set the tone for how we’ll start the new year.

There are many ways to spend the new year, depending on your circumstances and what you want out of life.

Here are some ideas to spend your year-end.

  • Go hardcode, do a digital detox with no screen time to recharge your batteries, and cleanse your mind.
  • Organize your life, complete the missing paperwork, and set your financial life in order.
  • Batch create some content for the future or take notes that you can turn into content.
  • Catching up on all the great content you’ve saved over the past 12 months.
  • Plan a new year offer that you can send to your clients in the new year.
  • Do the usual as everyone and party and get some sleep.
  • Spend some personal time with friends and family.
  • Write a year-end review and plan the new year.
  • Do some year-end reading.
  • Keep coasting as usual.

I like to spend some time alone during this time, traveling and chilling, and the rest with family and friends.

How are you spending your time?

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