I was recently chatting with someone I guide with her career.
She was concerned about not having the experience or expertise to land the kind of opportunities she wanted.
The ideas you see below are a combination of a couple of ideas I shared with her, plus other ideas I think will help everyone.
Career Growth Ideas
1/ Your career will grow fast when you take the opportunities outside of your comfort zone. These are the opportunities you’re not qualified for in the traditional sense.
2/ So how do you bridge the gap and stand out to be seen as unique?
Do what others are not doing.
Start a podcast around your area of work and invite people you want to be hired by on the podcast. Give it 6-12 months and I’m sure you’ll get an opportunity you are not qualified for and which you otherwise won’t get, will take 4-10 years to get or will take 2 years and money (fees + opportunity cost) if you decide to go for traditional education.
3/ We are living in a world where being remote is normal but if you want to grow fast then get face to face in the real world with people. So live in a place where there are more opportunities per square feet of area. In such a space, opportunity won’t bypass you even if you want to. You just need to do up and opportunity for growth will find you.
4/ Invest a large part of what you earn in your learning because learning supercharges growth. Do this especially in the early phase of your career when you can keep your burn low because there are less obligations.
You can do a lot more but these are the big four that will give you an outsized return by supercharging your career.