Archive for the category Idea

Power has shifted

During old times — really old times — there was a king. He had all the wealth, prestige, connections, opportunities and access to knowledge. His courtesans also had all these though less than the king. Merchants were also privileged but…

What to do after you exchange cards?

First step should be to record the information into a system that you trust and are comfortable using. It should be easy to access, review and update information. Record email, phone, website/blog (if there is one), a small note on…

It is ok!

1. If you did not have a great year — because there is another one coming which you can look forward to and during which you can work on finding success. 2. If you were not born with a silver

Power of 1

1 is a powerful number. For some it means position, others see it as something used for calculations. Mahatma Gandhi — is a great example of what ONE person can do. He made a significant difference to the future of…

How to use your freedom?

In countries across the world scores of freedom fighters made tremendous sacrifices to ensure that future generations will be able to talk and act freely. They have given the current generations a platform on which we can build our own…

Information is Like Food

Dieting is a new age phenomenon. Because there is too much food around for most of us we need to abstain from certain types of food and also keep an eye on quantity. Information is no different because there is too much of it around, we need to follow a diet. Here are some idea to get started with an 'information diet'.

Big is powerful

Small is beautiful but big is powerful. Through the lines that follow we will try to explore why businesses should make an attempt to become big and explore ideas to attain size. Opportunity and action drive an enterprise. Business leaders…

Power of An Idea

There is power in an idea; and there are fame, name and untold wealth. More importantly, a powerful idea gives you an opportunity to touch the lives of millions and billions of people in the world. Facebook was once an…