1/ Build deep expertise in one thing and good enough expertise in two areas. Like a great designer who can also code and write well.
2/ Work with someone who is already doing and winning at what you want to do.
3/ Every six months, learn something new that makes you uncomfortable. By spending 30 minutes a day learning, you’ll learn for 180 hours in a year. Not everyone does so it will help you stand out from the crowd.
4/ Help others who are behind you. You don’t have to do it for the masses, start with one person and go from there.
5/ Once you find your base, share what you know, learn, and experience in public.
6/ Act despite fear and take full ownership of your actions.
7/ Learn about mental models and cognitive biases.
8/ Don’t compare your day 1 to someone else’s day 1000. Get inspired and then put on your blinders and do the work consistently.
9/ Show up every day.
10/ Be in it for the long haul. But also do work sprints of 90-100 days to accomplish big goals in a short time.