Someone turning 22 asked for advice as they turn a year older.
Here is what I wrote for them.
- Become financially free as soon as you can, so that you are free to do whatever you want to.
- Don’t delay working on your dreams.
- Don’t play status games.
- Take time to hang out with those who energize you. If possible, do that every day.
- Maintain a regular sleep, wake up, work, relaxation, and entertainment routine.
- Timebox what you do – don’t overwork yourself – develop passions, and interests outside work.
- Try new things once every 3-4 months, until you find something you love.
- Take pride in doing things that are not mainstream yet and may look weird to others.
- Be kind to your parents. They are living life for the first time like you, so they can’t be right all the time.
- Take ownership of your life. Don’t blame others when something goes wrong.
- Ask for help when you need it.
- Find an internal anchor, something you do every day no matter what. This will keep you sane when there is chaos in your life.
- Give up money to work with those who are doing the work, and living the life you dream of.
- Learn every day. Better if learning is focused, helps you build on what you already know, and lets you go deeper.
- Get out of concrete jungles (modern cities) and live amidst nature as often as you can.
- Don’t sit in one place too much. Move as much as you can and break a sweat every day,
- Spend time under the Sun daily. Also, watch the sunrise and sunset.
- Learn to cook, sew, paint, dance, and more to be self-sufficient.
- Once in a while, live where no one knows who you are. It will allow you to live life in the most carefree way possible.
- Get good at sales even if you don’t intend to be a salesperson. Start by cold emailing random people then get good at getting people on call and meeting people face to face.
- Learn to leverage past success to create even bigger success in the future.
- Believe that good things will happen to you.
Hope you’ll find it useful.