Intense action can help us get out of no progress zone.
Want to improve your writing skills?
Do something that calls for intense writing, like writing a book or participating in NaNoWriMo.
Want to improve your well being?
Go to a wellness retreat, and stay there for 2-3 weeks, or hire a yoga or meditation teacher. You can also do a week-long fast like I did last year – do this only if you experience doing 2-3 days fast.
Want to keep growing through your profession?
Continue self-learning but take a classroom course once a year.
Want to grow your business?
Get an advisor on board, someone who has experience in doing what you are planning to do.
Any area in life where you feel stuck, get a coach.
If you want to do it yourself, then free up time, a month or so, and make what you want to change, your sole focus.
What will you use this approach for?
To get a new job, pursue a financial goal or for something else?