BarCampHyderabad2 kick-started at JNTU

Yesterday Rajan, Rajat, Ramesh, Poorna Shashank, Vijay, Bhanu and I met at JNTU to set the plan of action for BarCampHydeabad2.

After an initial check, we settled on following for BarCampHyderabad2;

Where: 1st floor of Main administration block of JNTU
When: July 15th, 2006 (Saturday).
Time: 11 am — 5 pm (tentative)

So folks if you missed on the last camp at Hyderabad go ahead and block July 15th on your calendar. This camp also comes with ‘unconference’ spirit but the effort will be focused on making this camp a unique experience.

The theme for this camp will loosely revolve around harnessing the power of mobile (through various applications and platforms).

If you have some more suggestions/ ideas, go check out the Camp Wiki and add your name and idea there. Simultaneously join the mailing list to share your mind space with fellow campers.

What can you expect when a bunch of some spirited tech enthusiasts gather at one place? Ideas, plans, future and more ideas — that is what happened when we all met. We sat down discussing thing around 6 pm and kept on talking till 7:30 pm.

During our discussion following points came to the surface;

– BarCampHyderabad2 – A 6-hour long session
– Starts at 11 am, goes up to 5-6 pm based on campers’ interest
– We will have one common talk to kick start the day
– 2 parallel sessions will continue post lunch

Following are the content options for the various sessions we discussed;

Opening session

Inspirations for mobile startups in India and the world
What the world and India is up to in mobile space
The real opportunity is here — mobile social applications, gaming, and mobile entertainment
Security issues in ubiquitous/ mobile computing
Integrated (wearable) devices
Micro formats

Open discussion session:

The Ultimate mobile device: PAST…… ipod, Xbox, origami, FUTURE
Thoughts: All integrated (with an 8 inch screen, ultra light material for portability)
Next Generation killer application: Intelligent search built into ultra light mobile device; capable of searching all available mobile applications based on the profile you key in the machine. It should one-click client setup and fast load time.
Lightening talks: 8 minutes slot (speak for 3 minutes, Q&A for 5 minutes — flexible approach)
Launch: Mobile Monday India initiative triggered by Rajan.

In between various discussions happen on the fly, as per camp schedule. We will again join for a common track on entrepreneurship. Ideally this track should consist of;

Start-up advice on things like

– When to take the plunge
– Check the marketability and scalability of your idea
– You have made the beginning, what now?
– Know your space
– Know your competition
– Why will/ should your customer buy

I am ready with my product

– At what price should I sell?
– How to market (various approaches)
– How long should I be in alpha, beta?
– Should I be slow or fast — how slow, how fast
– Show me the money
– How can I find a good forum to interact with my peers and customers?

I wrote this post as a trigger for the camp, I am sure more interesting ideas will emerge as we move forward.

Last but not the least we thoroughly enjoyed the wonderful hospitality (mirch baaji, bonda & chai) by our friend Vijay and JNTU students Bhanu & his friend.


  1. @_m_!_t

    Is it possible to get access to the material for this conference? I am based out of USA, and hence won’t be able to attend this conference? However, I would like to be a part of it.

  2. Mohit Pawar

    Sure Amit. We will put power point presentations on the wiki and video on you tube with a link on the wiki. There are chances of webcasting it live if that happens i will communicate the same to you.

    Do you want to present something; if that is the case we may try to arrange video-conferencing.

    Feel free to if you need more inputs.


  3. Vaibhav Domkundwar - india 2.0

    Mohit, I just left a comment on Rajan’s post about our plan to have some open discussions sessions in the upcoming barcamp Pune, and saw that you guys have already planned the same. I do think these open sessions can be very valuable – ofcourse a strong moderator who can control going off-topic is essential.

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