1/ To become unfireable.
2/ To take naps in the middle of the day.
3/ For fast growth and accelerated learning.
4/ Because you could be a better employee.
5/ To own IP and call the stuff you made your own.
6/ To prove your ideas work to yourself and the world.
7/ To create projects that match your skills and passions.
8/ To get paid for value created rather than for hours worked.
9/ To keep all the profits against employers holding most of it.
10/ To let the market decide your fate instead of your employers.
11/ To work wherever, whenever, with whomever on what you like.
12/ To experience the short-term hard life for a considerable upside.
13/ To reach a stage where you never have to work for money again.
14/ To bring your ideas into the world instead of working on someone else’s dream.
15/ having an empty calendar – control your calendar and not be filled by someone else.