Archive for the year 2020

Get a No and Move On

Time in sales, like time in life is precious. That’s why there is no point wasting it. In both, sales and life, we waste time the same way, By being inefficient, by being lazy, by wasting time on things with…

One Way to Live

Present is all that is. There is no future, all that is, is here, now, for us that is. Though true, but this may not work for most of us, heck it even does not work for me. It is…

Death by Inefficiency

Whether our business controls us or we control it, depends on one thing. How efficient (or inefficient) are we? Note I did not say absence of problems Or years of experience. or the level of the skill set. Because anyone…

Let Go of Titles

This more for what is inside the head than what you tell the world. You may have started as a marketer. But you may also be a copywriter, project manager, saleswoman, and coach now. And your work will want you…