Beautiful Morning.
It is not about religion.
Your life, all that is good about it and how it can be better.
It is about finding time in the beginning of the day (or at the end of day – for me mornings work best) – to do stuff that matters, to experience silence, to work on creating a foundation that will work on shaping your days. months and years ahead.
My Holy Hour
It starts when I wake up.
Most days around 6.30 am. There are days when I am up earlier – and those are the best days. Then there are other days, mostly weekends – when I allow myself to sleep a little late into the day.
As soon as I wake up – groggy like most human beings – I sit with my back straight and observe my breath for a minute or three. At times more. In the moments between I try to open my eyes wide and greet the day with a smile.
There are days when I do bed yoga – a combination of moments of reflection, observing my breath as shared above, and few stretching exercises.
Once done,
I jump out of the bed (…. it is more like crawling out bed)
Make the bed
Keep other things in their place
Sit down to meditate – it can be between – 10 to 35 minutes
Get up – pick my morning gear.. notebook, pen, book/s – read/ write – do it for 1-2 hours depending on the time available
Get up and eat breakfast. If I get up really early, I have it while reading. My writing tends to be varied. Some time I will write a note to myself, other times I will just free write, I also do writing for my blog and other websites.
I use these hours to nourish my mind, to work on pursuits that make my soul happy, outline my projects that are in making – work that will make me money in future, and spend time on skills that I want to gain.
I also use these hours to get my daily dose of silence and bliss, and to wash away the thoughts, dirt and impurities from night and day before.
I aim to finish all this by 9 am to focus on work that puts money in my pocket right now. By creating this boundary – I make sure that one type of work does not intrude into other. Also, I do not enjoy multitasking – so this arrangement works well for me.
You should give it a shot,
Because a morning well spent can make an amazing impact on your day and life. It can help you find balance, and if you spend your mornings well – for the rest of the day you can choose to go with the flow.
If your mornings are too packed and you feel too rushed in mornings – you can do it in evening. Suit yourself. For me, mornings work best.
How you can do it?
Start by observing a brief moment that is there when you wake up and before you start noticing things around you. This is the moment where you can – if you can – experience what is beyond sound and beyond thought.
Then when you start to notice things – observe your breath – for as long as you can. When nature calls – answer it – means visit the toilet.
Make your bed and put things in their place (This will give a sense of order to the day).
Then focus on what matters for you. Focus on developing muscles that are important in your life. For me it is my idea muscle and writing muscle. If you want to develop physical muscles then you can hit a gym or a do yoga.
When used right this holy hour can transform your life.
Please remember one thing – my holy hour focuses on my priorities and goals. Find your priorities and goals – and shape your holy hour in sync with them.