Archive for the tag Inspiration

Leverage what you have!

Do you spend time and energy thinking about what you don’t have? Better leverage what you have. A young person, who has entered workforce, may lack in experience but has the advantage of an open mind, low-maintenance lifestyle, and high…

Power of 1

1 is a powerful number. For some it means position, others see it as something used for calculations. Mahatma Gandhi — is a great example of what ONE person can do. He made a significant difference to the future of…

It is about You!

Through my writing I keep on sharing different perspectives with you. My writing is there to motivate you and give you a glimpse into what has worked for me and what has not. Your growth can come through my ideas…

14 reasons why people don’t blog

I evangelize blogging. You should blog because it is immensely satisfying and improves your organization and delivery of thoughts — a great asset for anyone in 21st century and a good reason to begin. People have their reasons of…

What is stopping you?

As kids all of us harbor dream of becoming something – an actor, a pilot, a soldier, a businessman, a model or something. Over a period these dreams take a back seat. People still dream as they grow may be…

Angels and Demons

This article is not about “Angels & Demons”, the mystery-thriller by Dan Brown or the 2009 movie of the same title directed by Ron Howard. It is about the Angels and Demons within us — that take us towards or

The man who saw lights in others.

David Gentiles was a pastor who brought light to many faces. He lives in the hearts of people. He lives in the heart of Don Piper whom he encouraged to write “90 Minutes in Heaven.”  It later became a best-seller.…