Archive for the tag Growth

Stop leakage for growth

(Big Idea: Double growth | same effort) Businesses and people discuss growth – in formal meetings and casual conversations. Rare are the instances when a discussion about fixing leakages in a company comes up. No it is not about the…

Big is powerful

Small is beautiful but big is powerful. Through the lines that follow we will try to explore why businesses should make an attempt to become big and explore ideas to attain size. Opportunity and action drive an enterprise. Business leaders…

Signs of opportunity

Andrey Ternovskiy is a 17 years old high-school student from Moscow, Russia. He created ChatRoulette in November 2009. It is a website for random video chat. Around the beginning of March 2010, Ternovskiy estimated the site to have around 1.5…

The Secret of finding balance

Step back. This is the secret. Step back from the direction that you are going in. At times do opposite of what you are doing. In our pursuits of success, happiness, joy, peace, health and love — we tend to…

How to be the best?

World is changing. Giving your best — is no longer enough. If you want to make a mark then you have to be among the best. Some ideas to help you become the best; Believe that you can be the

12 Ideas for business success

This article is focused on helping start-up entrepreneurs and businesses focused on achieving scale. 1. Success recipe — if there was one. Pick an idea + add user feedback + (if some users find value in the idea) then…

Keep your promises

“A promise is a cloud; fulfillment is rain.” — Old Arabian Proverb Do you make promises? Do you fulfill them — at least some of them? It is important that we keep our promises. How many times we tell ourselves…

The Credit Card Generation

We are living in times of great opportunity and hope. It is actually possible to live and work anywhere thanks to mobile phones and internet, two biggest inventions of our times. Add to it improved healthcare, better means of travel…

Billions through disruption

In summer of 1935 Allen Lane changed the way public thought about books forever. He did this by bringing out paperback versions of writings of Ernest Hemingway, André Maurois, Agatha Christie and the likes. This was a big move during…

How to retain clients?

Technological innovations today have made starting a business really easy. Due to low or no entry barriers, so many Single Person Enterprise (SPE) are in existence today. Better acceptance for entrepreneurs by society is also fueling this. More and more…

Blogging helps

Blogging started as a tool for personal expression and evolved into a tool for promoting careers and brands. Despite the evolution individual expression remains an important aspect of blogging. Apart from a basic tool for recording your thoughts online there…

Your private profile

In today’s world so conscious of appearances and how we look in public — we put a lot of effort in creating the right facebook profile, 100% complete LinkedIn profile with good recommendations and 500+ connections. If you have a…

Yes you can write!

Blogging is a great way to get visibility for businesses and individuals. Artists, entrepreneurs, academicians all can benefit from the long-lasting and wide-reaching impact of blogging – when done right. Blogs have contributed a lot to the growth of people.…

Will you recommend yourself?

Of course, most will reply. This is a human thing. People love themselves the most. Later comes life partner, kids anybody else. Let us be more specific. Think of a business situation — will you hire and work with a…