What if you could learn anything super quick, in half or even less time than it takes usually?
It is possible and it is simple.
Optimizing our learning process is also smart because our time on earth is limited.
Before we learn about this rapid learning approach, let’s look at a time-intensive method of learning. The method that most of us use to learn. We start reading whatever we find online on the topic that we wish to learn about. Next up we move to free videos. A small number enroll in an online course.
This technique works but only for a minority among us. Because a mere 4% finish the online courses they enroll in. Learning all there is to learn using free resources is another long shot.
The Alternative Rapid Learning Approach
Here is how you can learn in a rapid fashion.
1/ Pick one good book on the topic you want to learn about. Don’t read it. Just listen to the podcast interview of the author if it’s available. If not, listen to the audiobook to get an overview of the topic.
2/ Watch one, two or at max three videos on the topic.
3/ Now hire an expert to teach you. This is what super achievers do. They hire experts to guide them in whatever they want to do.
Billionaire Entrepreneur Jesse Itzler invited a Navy Seal, David Goggins to live with him in his home and to train him in extreme fitness. On day one David made Jesse do 100 against his usual best of 6-8 pull-ups.
To hire, do not limit your search to a local expert and those you know. Tap into the global talent pool. Go to a platform like Upwork and post a job with your expectations about the kind of person you are looking to hire. Once you get responses, interview them to find your expert. Look for people who have skills plus who can communicate well because you’ll be learning online. Once done, make a learning plan as advised by your expert, make the first payment and get started.
Why not just start with a teacher in the first place? Why go through videos and other resources first? Because if you get a hold on basics by watching videos, and listening to an interview or two, you will get a good overview of the topic before you start with a teacher (the expert you’ll choose to teach you). Basic understanding of the topic will make it is easy for your teacher to teach, and for you to learn. If you do it before hiring you’ll also be able to gauge your interest before you invest in an expert.
That’s it.
There is nothing more to it.
Now, you can keep on trying to learn on your own and waste years dreaming or trying to learn something or become really good at it in a matter of months or weeks, by searching and finding an expert to teach you and by investing in your own growth.