Create history!


  • By thinking about world’s problem’s rather than your own
  • By finding a solution to these problems
  • By writing a classic
  • By delivering an address like Martin Luther King’s I have a dream (audio)
  • By unleashing an idea virus
  • By being the change that you want to see in people like Mahatma Gandhi
  • By creating a world record
  • By winning against odds
  • By creating a better future for fellow dwellers of the planet
  • By helping people get more value out of their life
  • By giving clean water, food and fresh air to those who do not have it
  • By running the fastest mile ever
  • By creating a pioneering green city
  • By doing the unthinkable – What about becoming the first individual on planet earth to be worth $1trillion — think about it; it is possible you (only) need to own 20% of a company while you work on making it worth $5 trillion. On Financial Times Global 500 (updated as on June 30, 2010) Petro China and ExxonMobil are already valued close to 1/3rd of a trillion dollars. Then you have Apple and Microsoft valued close to quarter of a billion dollars and couple more in $200billion range. So if you think about it is possible, long shot but possible. Do you want to take a shot at it?
  • By changing how we eat or sleep — One of my online friends Jessa Gamble is trying to do that by suggesting people as we used to do during old days. Check out what she has to say about our natural sleep cycle.
  • By teaching the world about what it is like to be really content

Do you want to create history? What do you want to be known for?

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