We should think about designing your life as much or more as we think about our boss, career and job. In this article you can read more on how to go about without sacrificing your ambitions or relationships.
We find sonder when we realize that everyone around us has an internal life as rich and as conflicted as yours. Understanding the meaning of the word can be a good starting point.
What do you want from life? This is something we think about often. Thinking about this is important and will ensure that you stay in your lane. Read more in the article.
Why help?
“You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.”
Zig Ziglar
Helping others is noble.
It makes you feel good.
It is the right thing to do.
These are…
This post is about the inner light that shines within all of us. In some bright in others even brighter.This the longest post I have ever written on this blog (3300+ words) so it will take at least 10-15 …
This post is no. 5 in 7-post how to make an impact series.
Most of us are conditioned to look at life as something built around work.
What if you built your life around fun? Not looking at life…
Year 2010 will soon come to an end.
Hope it has been a great year so far for you. For others it may have been average. And there are people out there for whom it may have been totally forgettable.…
We spend a lot of time moving — traveling to and from work, running errands, mingling with friends, family and colleagues; playing, working out and doing random chores.
Movement is good. It is a sign of life.
Our movement varies…
In countries across the world scores of freedom fighters made tremendous sacrifices to ensure that future generations will be able to talk and act freely.
They have given the current generations a platform on which we can build our own…
Engagement builds and nurtures relationships.
Let us explore how individuals can engage people they interact with during meetings, at work or home. These are no tricks just some core ideas that have the potential of creating a solid foundation for…
Step back. This is the secret.
Step back from the direction that you are going in. At times do opposite of what you are doing.
In our pursuits of success, happiness, joy, peace, health and love — we tend to…
In today’s world so conscious of appearances and how we look in public — we put a lot of effort in creating the right facebook profile, 100% complete LinkedIn profile with good recommendations and 500+ connections. If you have a…
All ambitious souls of 21st century want to achieve a lot in less time. That is why we tend to pack too much in our lives and hence in our days.
If you think about it – only doing…
“Humility makes great men twice honorable.” ~ Benjamin Franklin
This thought emerged in my mind couple of days back while sitting with a group of people over lunch, one of whom was ex-chairman of a large public sector corporation.
Today I spoke to an enthusiastic group of people at one of world’s leading insurance majors. The idea of this article emerged there — discussing the possibility of doing what you love.
People started talking about their dreams and some…