Archive for the year 2020

Making Multitasking Work

This past week I found myself working on a lot of parallel tracks all at the same time. And, I was out of my comfort zone a lot. But I got a lot done and closed many open loops. It’s…

Work From Home or Office?

Are you thinking about getting out of home and going to your office?
Office, a place that has become a big part of the existence of office goers. And, there is a reason what that is. Because people forge friendships…

Superman of Business. You?

Not yet. But you can be one. How? By finding problems of customers that other businesses are not solving. There is a problem. It’s not easy. It takes time and effort both. More than usual. More importantly, it takes patience.…

Get Bad To Become Good

Most of us don’t attempt careers, passions, relationships because we fear to look bad. Raise your hand, if this has happened with you. To become good we can’t bypass the getting bad part. Doing anything every day long enough, with…