Archive for the month September 2019

Don’t Rely On Yourself Too Much

According to writer Joseph Epstein, “81 percent of Americans feel that they have a book in them — and should write it.” 
If you look at the number of published books every year, you’ll see that less than 1% do…

Helping Others is Good Business

On Sep 25th, 2019, Dan Price, the co-founder, and CEO of Gravity Payments, a credit card processing, and financial services company stunned all his employees at his company’s Idaho office by giving them each a $10,000 raise.
This wasn’t the…

Let the Haters Hate

If you have ever tried to follow your heart,
Do your thing,
Swim against the current, 
You would definitely have had some unwanted advice, some foolish criticism.
Most likely from people who know nothing about what you do.
And, God…

Everyone Is An Entrepreneur

An entrepreneur is someone who sets up a business and takes risks usually financial hoping to make profits out of it.
Then how is anyone who is not setting up a business, an entrepreneur?
You see, the future is ahead…