Archive for the month April 2019

Why I Blog?

Blogging takes time.
It takes mind space.
I do it because I want to do it.
I do it because I enjoy creating meaning out of words.
I do it because I can do it for now.
Tomorrow it might…

Learn To Pace Yourself

Pacing skills are among the most critical a runner can develop.
By pacing well, a runner avoids early burnout or injuries and completes a race. This is also how a runner sets a personal record.
Pacing is no less important…

Asking For Help

We need to ask for help to get it. Whether we get help or not depends on how much the person we asked is interested in helping us, and also on how we asked. I talk about 'how we ask' part in this article.

How Did It Turn Into A Nuisance?

Mobile phones are getting powerful by the day.
Bigger memory, better cameras, increased applications with every new launch.
These improvements will go on.
But we need to be mindful of what these improvements are doing to our minds.
Is a…

Whose Baby It Is?

Being a founder can be frustrating.
A big founder frustration is that employees or in some cases co-founders do not care as much as them.
This frustration is unrealistic because no one can love a baby more than her mother…

Life Is A Race

There are two forces at play here.
Agility and persistence.
Agility and strength make us go fast. Persistence gets us to play long.
There are those among us who can go fast. There are others who can play long.