Archive for the month March 2011

5-minute thinking excercise

The idea is to be mindful of our actions and be able to make an impact on a daily basis. At the end of the day, keep aside 5 minutes and think; Did you wake up excited, looking forward to…

Future of education

Education currently adopts “one size fits all” approach. This needs to change. In current system, Individuals are built around education. In future education will be built around individuals. It will cater to individual needs first rather than being…

Secret Wish of A Blogger

1. Wish I had more readers, comments, and RSS/email readers. 2. Wish my blog ranked better. 3. Wish more people linked to my posts. 4. Wish I was famous like Godin or Scoble. 5. Wish it was easier to blog…

Leverage what you have!

Do you spend time and energy thinking about what you don’t have? Better leverage what you have. A young person, who has entered workforce, may lack in experience but has the advantage of an open mind, low-maintenance lifestyle, and high…

Entrepreneurs and Farmers

If you think about it, a farmer and an entrepreneur are both similar in many ways. While I was writing this also noticed some differences — listed those below. What is same? A Farmer An Entrepreneur Sows a seed Comes…