This is my 500th blog post here.
I started this blog because I was excited about blogging. I continued because I like writing. More so because I write what I care about, and not what is in trend.
It matters that you see it. Even better if you use some of the ideas.
Glad I am writing more often this year than earlier years. Hope I can continue this run. Traffic isn’t the goal here. Writing and putting it out there is.
The impact of having a place to show what you made is huge and a blog is a perfect vehicle to do it. I hope that you’d consider doing it. A blog is not the only way to do it. You can create videos, podcasts or make art. The key is to keep showing up.
I’d love for you to share – what brought you here? What do you like to read here?
And thanks. Thanks for reading, sharing and helping me grow. I appreciate it.