How to Start a Business

Welcome to Start a Business series on

I created this series to help those who want to start on their own. This is the version 1.0 so may be a bit unpolished. Please feel free to share your thoughts, suggestions and questions in the comments – and help me make it better.

Thank You  🙂

– mohit

Phase 1: Ideation, Start up and Validation

1. How to find the right idea for your business?

2. First Time Entrepreneur — More Tips to Choose Your Idea.

3. Start Small. Aim Big (Finding the courage to start, without any experience).

4. Validate Your Idea and Improve Your Chances of Success

things customers care about

Phase 2: Business/Product Building

1. Validation Done. Time for Product Building.

2.  Co-Founder: Good or Bad for Your Venture? How to Move Ahead Without One.

3.  Product vs Service Business: Which of These Is Good for You?

Like what you see.

Phase 3: Launch (Naming, Pricing, Tools)

1.  Product Launch: Earlier the Better and Why You Should Let Go of Analysis Paralysis.

2.  How to set price of your product?

3. How to quickly create a web presence for your business?

4.  Business Apps, Software and Tools to Run Your Startup Efficiently.

5.  Office or No Office: Which Option Is Good for Me?

Phase 4: Growth (Marketing, Sales, Hiring, Achieving Scale)

1.  Marketing Your Business: Low Cost Ways to Do It, Distribution for Quick Growth and More.

2.  Sales Tips: How To Grow Your Business by Actively Selling What You Build?

3. Social Media or No Social Media for Your Business?

4. How to Achieve Business Growth?

5.  Customer Retention: 7 Tips to Keep Them (and Reduce Churn).

6.  Hiring: When and How?

More (Attitude, Guidance, Learning)

1. Learning Rituals for Entrepreneurs.

2.  Books Every (Aspiring) Entrepreneur Should Read.

3.  Importance of a Good Mentor.

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