Archive for the month November 2019

Shortcuts That Work

Most of us don’t like using tech.
We use it because it seemingly makes our life easy. If it wasn’t the case most of us won’t use it. I won’t.
Whether you are among those who like tech or you…

Action Without Purpose is Nothing

What do we accumulate wealth for?
What is the reason behind all the work that we put into our projects, jobs, and startups?
Is it a wild goose chase – the pursuit of something that we can’t achieve?
Or are…

The Magic of An Unfiltered Life

Earlier today I was chatting with a friend. Instead of sitting in a cafe we were sitting under the open sky. And, there were no filters in our discussion. It made all the difference. These days most discussions are filtered.…

Recording Your Thoughts

It takes time and effort to document your thoughts.
But it is a worthwhile exercise.
Because it allows you to look back at old times later and realize how things were at a particular moment in life.
If you…

Be Kind to Self

Back in 2013, Derek Sivers and I were working on our first book together. We had set a deadline and were working towards completing the book by then.
It was an in-depth, research-based book and took a lot of work.…