Archive for the tag Marketing

Marketing is changing

Marketing warfare, Guerrilla marketing, Red-blue oceans; these terms ruled the corporate boardrooms for a long time. Now relationship is coming to the core and world needs a softer approach to marketing which includes more listening and implementing then telling people…

Your own online platform

It may have been a big deal in the past not anymore. Creating your independent online platform (IOP) is easier than ever. It works best when you intend to help others first. Owning a platform will become a reality in…

Premium Pricing

Businesses want more revenues and profits. There are two ways to achieve that — sell more at a small margins or sell less at big margins. Both are workable strategies. Evian sells bottled water at a premium. Wal-Mart’s strategy was…

Getting in other person’s shoes

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This means treat others as you would like to be treated. How often do you do that? In 2003 movie Freaky Friday, the main protagonists are – an overworked…

14 ways to build brands & communities

I have been bringing people together for years. During early teens, we (two close friends and I) started Youth Club as a community building and leadership effort. Since 2005 I have professionally helped build and grow a global community of…

How do people experience your brand?

Heinrich Engelhard Steinweg established his company based on three basic principles: “Build to a standard, not a price”, “Make no compromise in quality”, and “Strive always to improve the instrument”. Steinway & Sons, the company he founded in 1853 in…