Archive for the tag Ideas

The Happiness Formula

I become very dissatisfied at times – with my surroundings, people, with myself, with what I have achieved, how I am spending my time. I think it is natural for somebody who is ambitious. But if dissatisfaction grows beyond certain…

Secret Wish of A Blogger

1. Wish I had more readers, comments, and RSS/email readers. 2. Wish my blog ranked better. 3. Wish more people linked to my posts. 4. Wish I was famous like Godin or Scoble. 5. Wish it was easier to blog…

It is about You!

Through my writing I keep on sharing different perspectives with you. My writing is there to motivate you and give you a glimpse into what has worked for me and what has not. Your growth can come through my ideas…

Big is powerful

Small is beautiful but big is powerful. Through the lines that follow we will try to explore why businesses should make an attempt to become big and explore ideas to attain size. Opportunity and action drive an enterprise. Business leaders…