Archive for the tag Blogging

Secret Wish of A Blogger

1. Wish I had more readers, comments, and RSS/email readers. 2. Wish my blog ranked better. 3. Wish more people linked to my posts. 4. Wish I was famous like Godin or Scoble. 5. Wish it was easier to blog…

14 reasons why people don’t blog

I evangelize blogging. You should blog because it is immensely satisfying and improves your organization and delivery of thoughts — a great asset for anyone in 21st century and a good reason to begin. People have their reasons of…

Putting knowledge to use

What is a book? It is a writer’s thought in consumable format. As a writer you first package and then people consume. Blog is same, information packaged to consume. You have read a lot and have tons of experience. How…

Startup Success

Start-ups can become big if they stay in business and keep on innovating. Here we discuss staying in business part, given that there is an offering as good as competitor or better. After you are ready with your offering and…

Blogging helps

Blogging started as a tool for personal expression and evolved into a tool for promoting careers and brands. Despite the evolution individual expression remains an important aspect of blogging. Apart from a basic tool for recording your thoughts online there…

Yes you can write!

Blogging is a great way to get visibility for businesses and individuals. Artists, entrepreneurs, academicians all can benefit from the long-lasting and wide-reaching impact of blogging – when done right. Blogs have contributed a lot to the growth of people.…