Archive for the category Growth

Blogging helps

Blogging started as a tool for personal expression and evolved into a tool for promoting careers and brands. Despite the evolution individual expression remains an important aspect of blogging. Apart from a basic tool for recording your thoughts online there…

Your private profile

In today’s world so conscious of appearances and how we look in public — we put a lot of effort in creating the right facebook profile, 100% complete LinkedIn profile with good recommendations and 500+ connections. If you have a…

Yes you can write!

Blogging is a great way to get visibility for businesses and individuals. Artists, entrepreneurs, academicians all can benefit from the long-lasting and wide-reaching impact of blogging – when done right. Blogs have contributed a lot to the growth of people.…

How to grow a service business?

Many of my friends are start-up entrepreneurs, who are constantly on the look-out to grow and stay competitive. The write-up is an attempt to share some ideas in written form with them. Hopefully it will also benefit you, my readers…

Unpack your day

All ambitious souls of 21st century want to achieve a lot in less time. That is why we tend to pack too much in our lives and hence in our days. If you think about it – only doing…

Personal Review

Companies do reviews to assess and improve. Why can’t individuals do the same and improve? This case has been made earlier also. The idea now is to bring some structure to it. For some people a structured life is boring.…