Archive for the year 2023

Unlock the Power of Simplicity in Writing

Imagine this: a young girl, Sara, pens her first story. It’s filled with elaborate descriptions and intricate words she had just learned. She proudly hands it over to her grandfather. He reads, smiles, and gives her one piece of advice,…

Why Your Body Matters More Than You Think

You want a dream job. You’ve acquired the perfect set of skills, built a solid network, and even have an impressive resume. But there’s one element you might be overlooking: your health. Imagine this: Raj, a top-tier software developer, had…

Analyzed Decisions Make or Break Your Agency

Running an agency isn’t just about making choices. To grow successful you need to analyze your decisions. Every decision has a story. Write down why you made a certain decision. Expectations guide your journey. Note the outcome you expected. Each…

Why Your Fear of Failure Doesn’t Matter

We often hold back from our dreams. Fear of judgment stops us cold. Yet, success and failure are both fleeting. What if others laugh at our mistakes? Surprisingly, they forget faster than we think. People remember wins, not the stumbles…