This post is about the inner light that shines within all of us. In some bright in others even brighter.This the longest post I have ever written on this blog (3300+ words) so it will take at least 10-15 …
Please note that it is not easy.Will take some work and some changes in how you spend your time.Some risk taking, not like jumping off a cliff, but some.
If you are curious about how to do it…
There is a conversation in the movie “Die another Day” where James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) tells Gustav Graves (Toby Stephens), main antagonist in the movie – “You don’t chase dreams, you live them”.
There is value in this dialogue. If…
Are you those thinking types? No offense meant but many people in this world think a lot and act little. Such people need to get to into their action shoes sometime soon.
You deserve a life of your dreams and…