You Only Need To Be Right Once

Until you are right, be wrong.
There is no other way to grow and innovate.
You can increase your chances of being right by being prepared.
By learning before you attempt something.
By getting people who have walked the path…

Job Search 101

Are you looking for a job?
If yes then here are some basics to help you.
Resume or LinkedIn Profile does not get you a job. It is a tool that helps get your foot in the door.
Job search…

Sales 101

A sale is a transaction of value between two parties.
The party that believes that the value they are offering is more than what they are getting in return has an upper hand in the transaction.
To develop such a…

Creating Work Worth Noticing

The key to getting your work noticed is to produce work worth noticing.
Such work gets people to leave what they are doing to check out what you made.
It makes an impact or at least creates a ruckus.

The Usefulness of Ongoing Projects

Big projects take time and energy.
It is natural to rest after finishing such a project. 
One should definitely do it.
But we should be wary of a short break turning into long periods without another significant project.
It makes…

Effortless Networking

Writing and publishing online helps you organize your thoughts better.
It helps you stand out.
You can also learn a lot about anything by writing about it.
These are the obvious benefits.
But one of the less thought and big…

Keeping Commitments

To keep a commitment we need to show up.
We can only show up if we are willing to keep the commitment.
Having the will is okay, and is the starting point but showing up is what makes it work.…

Why Can’t We Sleep?

There are those who can’t sleep because they have insomnia or other sleep disorders.
A vast majority can’t sleep because they have internet.
The Internet opened the world to us but it also erased the boundaries between sleep and wakefulness.…