Advice for First-Time Agency Owners

Starting an agency can be exciting but also overwhelming, especially if it’s your first time.  Sometimes people think they must have everything perfect before they can even begin.  However, you don’t need to have everything in place from the start.…

Batching Is a Creator’s Friend

When batching, we group similar tasks and do them all at once.  Like I batch my content creation and do it on Fridays. Batching can help you get more done in less time and make you more productive. When you…

A Note for Fellow Business Owners

1/ Know that every small step towards your goals counts towards the big picture. Keep pushing, keep growing, correct course as needed, and don’t give up on your dreams. 2/ Keep your end goal in mind and ensure every decision…

8 Qualities To Look For in a Co-Founder

A good co-founder can change the trajectory of a business. If you are looking for one, it’s important to find someone with the right qualities and skills to complement your own.  Here are some qualities to consider when searching for…

8 Traits That Make Freelancers Successful

Freelancing has become an increasingly popular career choice, allowing individuals to work on their terms and pursue their passions.  While certain skills and traits are commonly associated with success in freelancing, such as self-discipline, time management, and communication skills, some…

Beware of These 9 Kinds of People

In life, we meet all kinds of people. Some are worth keeping close to. Then there are those we must stay clear of.  Here are nine types of people we’ll do well to stay away from: 1/ The overly critical:

How To Condition Yourself for Success

Success, at times, can be elusive. If this is happening to you, try the following: 1/ Negative visualization – Imagine where you would be if you didn’t change, and use the fear of not changing to propel you toward the…

Focused Learning Works Better Than Random Learning

Learning helps with personal and professional growth.  With focused learning, the pace of this growth improves. Start by identifying and prioritizing the skills and knowledge that will be most valuable in achieving your goals.  Focusing on these critical areas maximizes…