Do Less In 2022

Because doing more is not equal to progress.

Doing high-value work is the way out.
That gives you more for every hour spent. There are many ways to find out what that work is, for you.

One of the ways…

My Top 10 Articles Of The Year

There are more than 1300 blog posts on this site.

I wrote them all.

Readers like some of them more than others.

Here are my top 10 of the year.

These posts can help you create an advantage in different…

Trade Freedom for Focus

Freedom is good but until a certain point. One has to be smart to choose the point beyond which one should choose focus over freedom. Being a digital nomad gives you the freedom to roam around and work from anywhere.…

Surprisingly Bigger Goals Are Easier

Because setting big goals pushes us to think, explore and find unique ways of doing things. Back in 2015/16, I had set a big goal of getting 10,000 subscribers for my digital marketing newsletter. I learned and explored how other…

Say Yes To All Invites To Talk

If visibility equals success in what you do, which is true for most entrepreneurs, creatives, creators, coaches, and consultants, then say yes to all invites to talk to audiences, whether it is for a podcast or a video interview. Even…

Don’t Hire Superstars

When hiring, the usual advice is to hire superstars. But for most businesses, it’ll make sense for a founder to look at her own and current team’s caliber.  Instead of hiring someone who is light years ahead of you, hire…

Do Important Before Urgent

If you are focused on urgent, you won’t find space for what’s important. How does one find space for important things? By tackling it before the urgent, when your energy is at its peak. The simplest way to do it…

A Simple Plan for a Well-Rounded Life

Life is multidimensional.  To live well, one needs good health, mental balance and peace, knowledge and wisdom, good relationships, and means to take care of one’s own and family’s needs. We are all born with a certain degree of physical…