5 Ways To Make $100,000/Year

Make $8,333 a month and you’ll make six figures a year. For the sake of simplification let’s discuss making $10k/month. Here is a plan, in fact, five of them, to build $10k/month or $100,000+/year. 5 Opportunities That Will Take You

Double Down on What Works

This is one of the best ways to grow while keeping the downside low. I have experienced this many times, like this one time when I took a course on building a 10k email subscriber list using ten different approaches.…

Being a Pro

To be a pro at something, you can’t just love what is exciting and shiny. You must also love the grind and working in the trenches. Because you get to experience shiny parts and see results when you do the…

Love Them the Way They Are

That’s probably the best way to show someone that we love them is to accept them for who they are.  By doing this, we not only show them that we love them but also that we appreciate having them in…

How To Get Anyone’s Attention

Figure out what it is they truly want. And then give it to them in full or part. So, think of what everyone wants. Everyone wants praise, love, a shoulder to rest on, and to have ideas to make this…

Blog or Podcast Your Way to a Book

I am big on leveraging one piece of content for making something else. And why not combine several blog posts or podcast episodes into a book. Because it makes the idea of writing a book into a reality. Writing a…

Automation Is the 8th Wonder of the World

It makes your life easy, so much that it is hard to believe. The most straightforward automation like scheduling content (blogs, tweets, social media posts) ensures that you post your content when most of your audience is online. I scheduled…